Scholarship/Career Grant Winners
CSEA members work hard to support California's promise of a quality education for all, not just for their students but for each other. That’s why CSEA provides quality education services like post-secondary scholarships, grants, and subsidies for members. Every year, members and their dependents can apply for CSEA and Union Plus (AFL-CIO) scholarships and grants. These programs not only help pay for financial costs, they also inspire and encourage CSEA members and their families to pursue their post-secondary education. “As a school employee and CSEA member, education has always been very important,” said Olivia Vaughn, Scholarship Committee Chair and retiree from San Jacinto Council 5024. “If one works in an educational environment, opportunities should be made available to classified employees and their families to pursue higher education.” This year, 32 CSEA members received career grants of $1,000 each and 45 CSEA member dependents were awarded CSEA scholarships of $1,000 each. CSEA member dependents also received a record-high 21 out of 199 national AFL-CIO Union Plus Scholarships that will go a long way in helping them get started on their college journey. “Attending college sometimes does not begin right after high school, some wait until later in life,” said Diana Hawkins, Scholarship Committee Member and President of Lynwood Chapter 411. “When you have that scholarship or grant to help you out, that motivates you to take that jump.”

Kayla Marie Quevedo, dependent of Rosa Quevedo, Cutler Orosi Chapter 253
CSEA scholarships for CSEA member dependents
When you are part of the CSEA family, your own family benefits. Dependents of CSEA members are eligible to apply for $1,000 scholarships from CSEA to help pay for the ever-increasing costs of school.

Gina Yum, dependent of Hyunsun Yum, Kern High Chapter 81
Union Plus Scholarship Program

A union scholarship for union families. For 30 years, the Union Plus Scholarship program has awarded more than $5 million to students of working families embarking or continuing their journey into post-secondary education.

Member Career Grants
Members pursuing their post-secondary education on a part or full-time basis can apply for a Member Career Grant for $1,000. Applications are available in June and are due October 31 each year.

CSEA Member Reimbursement Subsidies
Professional growth and development make our union stronger. That’s why CSEA offers up to $250 subsidies to help members pay for enrichment opportunities that link to the union, the community, and/or students.

CSEA Member Student Loan Reducer Grants
College debt is a common challenge for many CSEA members. Through SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union providing matching funds, this program awards $500 grants to help reduce student loan debt and assist members who have completed their degree programs.

CSEA No-Cost College Programs
Make college your reality in 2022. As a special benefit provided to CSEA members and their families, this program offers members and all their family members, including spouses, children, grandchildren, and more, the opportunity to pursue post-secondary education at no cost.
CSEA Member Career Grant Winners
Every year, $1,000 grants are awarded to CSEA members who attend school on a part-time or full-time basis. Applications are available starting in June and are due October 31 every year.