Your VOTE is your VOICE
Be heard in this year’s critical election
2024 will be a transformative year in California politics and we need your help to elect classified-friendly lawmakers!
School board seats, every congressional seat, every Assembly seat, half the state Senate seats, a U.S. Senate seat and the presidency are on the ballot this year, which means so is the future of our members – both active and retired. CSEA has a full list of candidates we’re endorsing in 2024, including links to each candidate’s website so you can learn about them for yourself. We have every confidence that these candidates will defend our rights as classified employees at the state level. It is vital to elect pro-labor candidates to those seats to fight for us throughout the state and in Washington D.C.
We need your help to do that by signing up to volunteer for phone banking or knocking on doors!
By volunteering to work the phone banks and knock on doors in your community for pro-labor candidates, you can send a strong message to fellow members and voters that classified employees stand up for the rights and needs of hard-working Californians like us. We have achieved so much together but all that can be lost in just one election. There will always be those who want to take away our hard-won benefits, so we must come together this election year to protect all we have achieved. As always, our solidarity will be our strength in 2024. Join your fellow CSEA members in showing our communities the importance of electing labor-friendly officials.
We will see you on the campaign trail!