Have-a-Heart Month Success
Have-a-Heart Month raises nearly $40,000
Have-a-Heart Month raises nearly $40,000

by Shannon Carr
Within the last year, CSEA has seen a spike of Humanitarian and Assistance Fund applications due to the deadly and devastating effects of COVID-19 on members’ lives and their families. This, coupled with the wildfires and other unforeseen tragedies that come with any other year, is why Have-a-Heart Month was especially important. And what a difference getting the word out can do. This year’s annual monthlong fundraising campaign celebrated its most successful one ever, raising a little over $38,000 compared to the $1,625 received in donations last year without promotion. This can potentially help 70 members applying for Humanitarian assistance or 35 families who have lost a home.
In two months’ time, CSEA raised half of what is allotted every year for humanitarian and emergency assistance requests.
Much of the success of this year’s campaign is due to the new element of a live and silent auction in addition to the longstanding and popular Welk Resort raffle. The raffle raised a total of $5,380, selling a total of 806 tickets while the silent auction raised $6,695, live auction raised $4,595 and general donations received from chapters, councils and personal membership donations raised a total of $21,385.
"In two months’ time, CSEA raised half of what is allotted every year for humanitarian and emergency assistance requests. "
The online auction element was new after being a success during our first virtual conference last year. Not only were the auctions successful in raising money, but they were also engaging and fun for members participating.
Additionally, retirees and active members alike were and still are very eager to help by donating handmade items. This was a new way to give back to their union by offering up their creativity, showing off their talents and raising money for the fund. This means so much more because the items live on and mean more to those who’ve won and have made donations. It’s such a positive thing for members and staff alike, especially in these times.
Funds raised during Have-a-Heart Month will go to the Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund, which relies solely on donations. Even though the monthlong campaign has ended, the applications and requests continue to come in. That is why it is important to raise money all year long to ensure that the fund is healthy and endures through times like these.
Donate online: Use this link to make a one-time or recurring donation in the amount of your choosing.

Donate by credit card: Call CSEA Member Benefits at 866-ITS-CSEA (866-487-2732).
Donate by payroll deduction: Download the Assistance Fund Payroll Deduction Form (PDF)
Donate via AmazonSmile: Amazon will donate .5% of your purchases for the Assistance Fund.
Designating the CSEA Assistance Fund as your charity on Amazon Smile is easy. Follow these step by step directions and help keep this fund strong.
- Go to
- Log in if you have an Amazon account or create an account
- Search for CSEA Assistance Fund
- Select CSEA Assistance Fund, location San Jose
- Go to instead of to shop.
- Make it easy by bookmarking the page for future use.
Every dollar is appreciated and goes directly to helping your CSEA brothers and sisters in need. More information is available at
Allan Clark thanks donors
Hello sisters and brothers, To say that our Have-a-Heart Month was a success cannot be overstated. Why? Because of the generosity of our members, staff and vendors. They used their creativity in addition to donating items for our two auctions and the Welk’s Resort raffle. For all of you who participated in those events, words cannot express our gratitude. While this fundraiser has ended, we continue to have needs. By giving monthly, through payroll deduction, CalPERS or our Action Network, you will be helping a fellow member. Your donations have fed hungry children and saved some members from being on the street. Every part of our organization—members, retirees and staff—should take comfort knowing that they made a difference. Once again, on behalf of myself, the Assistance Fund Committee and our staff support team, thank you.
-Allan D. Clark, Assistance Fund Committee Chair