Assistance Fund

Chapters find creative ways to donate to the CSEA Assistance Fund
by Shannon Carr
Chapters throughout CSEA are paying it forward, contributing monies to the Assistance Fund that would have been used to send their representatives to this year’s annual conference had it been held in person instead of virtually. Chapter presidents from Anaheim Elementary Chapter 54 and State Center College Chapter 379 recently shared that they found a new use for funds they had previously allocated to cover travel, housing and per diem to send delegates to the annual event.
Chapter 54 elected to donate $10,000 that would usually go to its conference expenses and other chapter needs to the Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund. The donation was presented at a recent Board Meeting and Member Benefits Director Karin Buckner said it is the largest contribution she has ever seen from a chapter.
Chapter President Lisa Waldie emphasized the extreme need for assistance right now, with many members experiencing losses due to COVID-19 and the wildfires that have persisted throughout the state.
“The encouragement is sitting down as an e-board and talking things out, finding ways to support and getting ideas together during times of loss,” she said. “Our chapter is honored and privileged to give this donation during this time. When we give, there’s no doubt that we get in return.”
At that same Board Meeting, Chapter 379 also donated $5,000 to the fund.
Chapter President Annette Carrion said normally the money would have been exhausted from attending the in-person conference, but their e-board, like Chapter 54, felt that donating it was the most important way to use the funds.
“Not only are there fires, there are people whose family have been affected by this pandemic where they were two working household to maybe a household of one… so there’s a huge need in our membership to help each other out,” Carrion said. “We just wanted to make sure that our members in their time of need could be helped.”
Carrion also acknowledged that “sooner or later, someone within your chapter or you yourself will have to call on the Assistance Fund.”
How to get support or donate?
If you are in need of support, we encourage you to reach out to the Member Benefits department at (866) 487-2732 or You can also donate using the same link.

Chapters find creative ways to donate to the CSEA Assistance Fund
by Shannon Carr
Chapters throughout CSEA are paying it forward, contributing monies to the Assistance Fund that would have been used to send their representatives to this year’s annual conference had it been held in person instead of virtually. Chapter presidents from Anaheim Elementary Chapter 54 and State Center College Chapter 379 recently shared that they found a new use for funds they had previously allocated to cover travel, housing and per diem to send delegates to the annual event.
Chapter 54 elected to donate $10,000 that would usually go to its conference expenses and other chapter needs to the Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund. The donation was presented at a recent Board Meeting and Member Benefits Director Karin Buckner said it is the largest contribution she has ever seen from a chapter.
Chapter President Lisa Waldie emphasized the extreme need for assistance right now, with many members experiencing losses due to COVID-19 and the wildfires that have persisted throughout the state.

Lisa Waldie, Anaheim Elementary Chapter 54 President
“The encouragement is sitting down as an e-board and talking things out, finding ways to support and getting ideas together during times of loss,” she said. “Our chapter is honored and privileged to give this donation during this time. When we give, there’s no doubt that we get in return.”
At that same Board Meeting, Chapter 379 also donated $5,000 to the fund.
Chapter President Annette Carrion said normally the money would have been exhausted from attending the in-person conference, but their e-board, like Chapter 54, felt that donating it was the most important way to use the funds.

Annette Carrion, State Center College Chapter 379 President
“Not only are there fires, there are people whose family have been affected by this pandemic where they were two working household to maybe a household of one… so there’s a huge need in our membership to help each other out,” Carrion said. “We just wanted to make sure that our members in their time of need could be helped.”
Carrion also acknowledged that “sooner or later, someone within your chapter or you yourself will have to call on the Assistance Fund.”
How to get support or donate?
If you are in need of support, we encourage you to reach out to the Member Benefits department at (866) 487-2732 or You can also donate using the same link.