CalPERS election
CSEA efforts drive success of CalPERS election
Member Jose Luis Pacheco and David Miller will protect your pension
by Shannon Carr

When CSEA member Jose Luis Pacheco and David Miller won their elections for the CalPERS Board of Administration in this fall’s election, it wasn’t just a testament to their unequaled qualifications, but it also spoke to the invaluable support provided by CSEA members and retirees. The final turnout was over 196,000 votes, which is the highest in recent memory and possibly the highest ever. Pacheco won the Position B seat decisively with 61.76 percent of the vote and incumbent Miller retained his Position A seat with 72.65 percent, both well in landslide territory. “The best way to ensure our retirement security is to exercise our voices to elect caretakers who will defend our defined benefits, our healthcare and the long-term viability of our investment in the CalPERS system,” said Association President Matthew “Shane” Dishman. “Well, we made our voices heard loud and clear! I am thrilled to announce that, because of so many of your efforts, Jose Luis Pacheco and David Miller have earned their seats on the CalPERS Board of Administration to work toward these important goals.”
Overwhelming support for phone banking efforts

Almost 1,000 members, retirees and staff volunteered for shifts in the CalPERS campaign. More than 363,220 dials were made for the active member phone banks and more than 13,000 dials were placed for the retiree-to-retiree phonebank. Gene Baker, a warehouse delivery driver with Fairfield-Suisun Chapter 302, phone banked four times after Labor Relations Representative Dustin Patenaude reached out to him and his wife Meghan, also a CSEA member. When Baker learned Pacheco and Miller’s stories, “I thought they were the best people for the job,” he said. Jessica Alexander, a special education aide with Pittsburg Chapter 44, found out about phone banking through one of the training sessions she attended. She volunteered for five shifts. “For me to be involved in this important election to put one of our own in a seat on the CalPERS board was extremely important,” she said. Alexander said the success of the collective effort proves “what happens when we work together,” she said. “We’re unstoppable.” Baker agreed, sharing that his efforts are part of a larger cause. “By helping, it was not only helping my chapter’s members of CSEA, but it was helping out the entire state’s members of CSEA. It was bigger than just one person or one chapter,” Baker said. “Myself and my wife feel thrilled to be a part of such a large and diverse Association and this will not be the last time that we participate in any political election or action asked of us by our union. We are both ‘in’!”
Pacheco and Miller give thanks

Both Pacheco and Miller shared their gratitude to the CSEA members who voted them into office and acknowledged that it wouldn’t have been possible without their support. “I am so deeply honored and deeply humbled,” Pacheco said. “Thank you to all the CSEA retirees, active members, and other supporters who spent countless hours to make sure David Miller and I won these two CalPERS Board seats.” Miller responded, ”Thank you, a thousand times, thank you, for your support and encouragement, for your confidence in me to represent your interests, and for your dedicated service and hard work. I am so proud and honored to serve you, the true everyday heroes for whom CalPERS exists to provide retirement security and healthcare.”
“Thank you to all the CSEA retirees, active members, and other supporters who spent countless hours to make sure David Miller and I won these two CalPERS Board seats.”
- Jose Luis Pacheco, Elected representative of active and retired CalPERS members
Their term of office will begin January 16, 2022 and end January 15, 2026. As a classified employee, Pacheco said he sees how hard his CSEA sisters and brothers “work for modest wages in the public service, knowing that their hard work will pay off when they retire with their well deserved pension, providing working families with dignity in retirement. This perspective will keep me grounded.” Miller brings technical expertise, education and experience to the board on which he has served since 2018. “However, more importantly, I bring the understanding and values of an active, rank and file public employee, who knows the importance of the retirement and healthcare benefits that have been promised to us, and that we get up and go to work to earn, day in and day out,” Miller said. “I will be there to fight to protect and enhance our benefits and to ensure that the promises made to us remain promises kept.” One of the first things Pacheco plans to work on is creating an effective process for him to communicate with CalPERS members and retirees to swiftly respond to their concerns, and the hiring of a new chief investment officer. His long-term goal is to make sure the CalPERS fund not only meets but also exceeds the target rate of return. “This is imperative so we can grow to 100 percent funding as soon as possible,” Pacheco said. “However, we must do this without excessive risk taking, in a transparent and open manner, and we must manage fees and costs so more funds are put to work for our members.” Another item he would like to address is the escalating costs of healthcare that burdens CSEA sisters and brothers, especially retirees.
“I am so very much looking forward to working alongside Jose Luis Pacheco, and my other esteemed board members.”
- David Miller, Elected representative of active and retired CalPERS members
"We all know that healthcare costs are rising, and CalPERS needs to use its enormous buying power to not only contain costs but also provide savings to members wherever possible without a loss in services,” he said. Miller recognized that, coming together in solidarity with Pacheco, they can address these issues and so much more. "I am so very much looking forward to working alongside Jose Luis Pacheco, and my other esteemed board members,” he said. “I am anticipating four years of progress, four years of strong effective working relationships among board members and stakeholders, and an environment that is characterized by the open, honest, and respectful exchange of ideas, all in the interest of CalPERS members.