How will you give back this holiday season?

Tricia Pulido, Paraprofessional, Washington Township Chapter 61 – Food Drive
“Several of us in Union City decided to get together and feed the community during the pandemic and into the holidays through a group called Team Union City. Our food comes from the Alameda County Food Bank, and it’s stored at the church where we distribute. We also have fresh meals, but we always give non-perishable food they can take home at the end of the day. I love the community we live in, and it feels good in my heart to give back. Back in 2008, my husband was laid off, so I was the one standing in line for food. It’s not a good feeling. It’s truly been a pleasure to serve others in my own community.”

Filomena Rocha, Payroll Clerk, President, Tulare High Chapter 218 – Holiday Wishlist
“Chapter 218 will be doing Operation Secret Santa this year. We have partnered with a youth program called Reaching Higher, where they provide us with wish lists from students and families. We purchase wish list items and one of us dresses up as Santa. We are a community who want to help others and understand that many people are struggling. We are a community where both parents work, many families are immigrants, and many work in agriculture.”

Olga Reyna-Garcia, Retiree, Alisal Elementary Chapter 577 – Food, Clothing and Toy Drive
“We try to help the farmworkers during the holidays. Last year, we did a food drive, a clothing drive and even a toy drive. As part of the United Farmworkers Foundation in Salinas, we start around December 10 to find organizations that will donate toys and then we wrap them up. It makes you feel so good because these people are grateful for the food and help, and it's wonderful to help people in need. We treat everyone who comes with a lot of dignity and a lot of respect.”