2022 Election Voting Guide

CSEA voter guide for November’s election
by Shannon Carr
The general election will be here before we know it – on November 8 to be exact – and it is an opportunity for CSEA members to make a direct impact for themselves and their families, their union siblings, and their school and communities. It can be challenging to educate yourself on the many candidates and issues, which is why CSEA has compiled a list of the CSEA-endorsed candidates and measures that passed our rigorous vetting process.
Online CSEA Voter Guide available
In this year’s election, CSEA is proud to endorse Gavin Newsom for Governor and Tony Thurmond for Superintendent of Public Instruction, in addition to others running for statewide constitutional offices, U.S. Congress and the California Legislature. We also strongly support Proposition 28, which provides additional funding for arts and music education in public schools, and Proposition 31, a referendum on a 2020 law that would prohibit the retail sale of certain flavored tobacco products. We also oppose propositions such as Propositions 30, which increases taxes without committing any resulting revenue toward public schools.

For full details about who CSEA has endorsed for office and positions on ballot propositions, visit the online voter guide. The website will be updated as more endorsements are approved at State Board of Directors meetings.

How CSEA’s endorsement process works
Candidates are selected by CSEA’s Political Action for Classified Employees (PACE) Committee for recommendation to the CSEA Board of Directors, with CSEA Board Members making the official endorsements.
“The biggest challenge this year is making sure political candidates also support keeping all classified job classifications employed,” said PACE Committee Chair Daisy Bennett. “PACE is committed to stand strong to support candidates who also support labor and Classified Employees.”
The PACE recommendations are based on candidates’ voting records, answers to CSEA’s questionnaires and candidate interviews, or some combination of those factors. Candidates are rated for recommendation based on issues of importance to CSEA, including school and community college funding, retirement benefit protections, healthcare reform, workers’ rights and other issues impacting CSEA members in their workplaces.
2022 election dates
October 10 – Ballots mailed to voters
All California registered voters will receive a vote-by-mail ballot for the November 8 General Election.
October 24 – Last day to register to vote
Complete forms online at the California Secretary of State website.
November 8 – General Election
Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters can physically cast their vote at a polling place. Vote-by-mail ballots are only valid if they are postmarked on or before Election Day.