From the Capitol

Legislative champions honored at 96th Annual Conference
by Shannon Carr
Each Annual Conference, CSEA recognizes legislative champions who have authored and partnered with the Association on bills that impact the more than quarter million members we represent. This year, CSEA honored the following legislators:
CSEA voter guide for November’s election
by Shannon Carr
The general election will be here before we know it – on November 8 to be exact – and it is an opportunity for CSEA members to make a direct impact for themselves and their families, their union siblings, and their school and communities. It can be challenging to educate yourself on the many candidates and issues, which is why CSEA has compiled a list of the CSEA-endorsed candidates and measures that passed our rigorous vetting process.
Six of seven CSEA-sponsored bills enacted
by David Ngô
When looking back at this year’s legislative session, CSEA members will remember the success of 2022.
With the last two bills in Assembly Bill 1655 (Jones-Sawyer) regarding the Juneteenth Holiday and Assembly Bill 22 (McCarty) Transitional Kindergarten Data Collection now officially signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, six out of seven CSEA-sponsored bills from the 2022 legislative session have been enacted and will soon be improving the lives of classified school employees.
What’s the Word on elections and legislation
There is much work for CSEA in the coming months to ensure our sponsored bills are passed and our endorsed candidates win election. Hear all about this year’s elections and legislation, recorded from the state capitol in Sacramento, in the latest episode of Association President Matthew “Shane” Dishman’s “What’s the Word?"